Monday, November 11, 2013

Paddle on into November!!

Monday, November 11, 2013: Veteran's Day Assembly
Monday, November 11, 2013: Early Release/PLC
Thursday, November 14, 2013:Second Six Weeks ends. AR goal is due.
Friday, November 15, 2013: Record school
Wednesday, November 20, 2013: Native Culminating Activity: Weaving, clay pots, Fry Bread
Friday, November 22, 2013: AR PARTY (George's Marvelous Medicine Party)

Language Arts:
Please come and look at our HERO paragraphs out in the hallway. We just got them up in time for the Veteran's Day assembly. The students did a great job with their four paragraphs. They are developing into nice little writers!!

This week our story of the week is called Grandma's Records. It is another story of a fine family tradition and the relationship a grandma has with her grandson. Please see the Spelling List in the Friday folder for  the words. Also, the weekly Spelling Test will be given on Thursday instead of Friday because of Record Day. Room #1 will also visit the Library briefly on Thursday to check out new books or renew old one. The new AR goals will take begin on Monday, November 18, 2013. It has been a great 6-week period full of opinion writing and comparing and contrasting.

Multiplication rocks!! Last week we introduced multiplication as repeated addition. We have been working on concepts of adding as groups, using a number line of repeated numbers, drawing a picture of sets, or forming a multiplication array. We will be using these strategies for the next several weeks as we learn multiplication through 10 x 10. Remember, there are three symbols we use to show multiplication. They are the multiplication dot between the two multipliers, the multiplication x between the two multipliers, and the multiplication asterisk (*) between the two multipliers. As we become more familiar with the process of multiplication and get lots of practice, we will then start to introduce division because they are related.

Social Studies:
We just completed our study of Native American people from the past who lived in the:

  • Deserts
  • Grasslands
  • Forests
This week we will go into a deeper study of the Nez Perce Indians, and the Pueblo Indians. We will have a culminating activity on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 where the students will have the opportunity to make clay pots, continue with their weaving projects and sample Indian Fry Bread.

Question of the week:
Blaykley has several sets of crayon boxes. She has been collecting them all summer. Each box of crayons contains 8 different crayons. If she has 9 boxes, how many crayons does she have altogether? Write 3 different multiplication problems using the three different multiplication symbols. Don't forget to include your answer!! This is worth 1 token. For an extra token, draw me a picture to illustrate the story problem.


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